Sunday, December 7, 2008

Camera Tossing

I just wanna share my tryout picture :P


This picture .. I took it causally =] but when I see dis picture again, I felt like "SOMETHING is inside a gold cage.. and when IT sees the light, IT sees a hope to come out from the cage."
too much imagination, I think

Actually, it's a gold ball on xmas tree .. n the light is the lamp on xmas tree =]


This is my first tryout of camera tossing.. And if u ask me what is camera tossing?..

In English :

It's a new way to take picture *yeah I could say that 'cause it's new for me :P*
  • How to do camera toss? Well, u just need to toss ur camera in the air around 10-20cm only *no need till 1M lol* n of course with object!
  • Then, what's the object?.. Any light resources could be neon, television, or your room lamp..
  • So what should I do after I toss my camera?.. of course CATCH UR CAMERA , dude!!

In Indonesia :

Salah satu cara baru dalam memotret *ya buat guw seh baru yaa :P*
  • Gmna caranya? Ya tinggal di lempar wae tuh camera dgn ketinggian 10-20cm dan pastiny hrs ad objectnya..
  • Lalu, object nya apa?.. Apa aja yang terang2.. bisa lampu neon, tipi, ato lampu kamar..
  • Nah, abis itu apalagi yang harus guw lakuin? yaa jelas TANGKEP CAMERA NYA kaleee!!

I hope U understand what Im talking about *lol* im still learning with camera tossing* Feel free to give me comment *feedback* according dat 2 pic =] or anyone has tried this b4..??


Anonymous said...

ci, itu tambahin dong pake autotimer haha.. nanti udah dilempar malah gak ada hasilnya lagi.. XD
keren ey.. kreatip.. =P

jUnE0u said...

carefull..tar jatoooooooh!!

iya pasang aj kedua alamat blog gw itu, punya lo dah gw bookmark ko jd gk dtampilin dlm blog..tar aj kalo gw dah nyante.

btw coba lo liat ini

gw merinding terpaku terpsona ngliatnya..

piNkkkkkkk said...

@mahenda : hehe iya kl itu seh logika kl soal timer lol* makasi =]

@june : oh gitu..okok~ iyo ini lg tak liat =] mpe dicari ke youtube hehe~

takatophilip said...

masa kamera bisa motret sendiri??? *shock*
ga pke timer mbak?

piNkkkkkkk said...

iye pakeeeee woii*
itu kn logikaaaa~
kl ga pake timer piye toh lo motret e?~XDDD