Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"there is a bed, there is me"

When I found the quote, then I was thinking.. It's more than right!! Why? See pictures at the top, to make dat pictures *eventhough it's not too beautiful but I like it :P*, I used to take a lot of pictures from different angle and tryout the exposure n other things. When I was trying out the angle, of course I found A LOT of mistakes.. But finally, the outcome is dat.. :)

N the quote can be like this, "When there is a mistake, there is something" :P


"When there is a bed, there is me" which means I gotta go to sleep now :P


Last thing,

I got award from Yulia .. Thx dear.. :D

Rules :
1. Copy image Kat diatas ini

2. Tulis sembarang komen pasal pengahatar ini
---> makasih..makasihh..i love you he9X..
3. Send Kat mane2 blog yg qm suka.(unlimited)

---> ..........

Rules :
1. Meletakkan logo/award di blog mu
2. Meletakkan link blog yg telah memeberi mu award
3. Berikan ke blog lain
4. Buat link blog yg qm berikan award
5. Tinggalkan pesan di blog

dan yang beruntung adalah :
10 orang pertama yang berkomen di postingan ini *tp hrs mengenai postingan ini gak bole kl cm tulis "pertamax" ato "wah awardnya banyak banget" ato "guw yang keberapa ya?"*



agito-chan said...

bagus emang gambarnya...

diedit pake apa??
when there is a bed, there is me...

fiuh, jadi ngantuk yah...

Pink mau jadi fotografer pro yah..??

semoga berhasil, kan jarang2 da fotografer ce...

piNkkkkkkk said...

hhe iy pengen jd fotografer jg :P

edit pic2 slalu pk potosop :)

Diana Ang said...

saya juga suka sama quote nya :D

robert diggory harya bima said...

hay ..

bagus loo ..
keren" ..

robert diggory harya bima said...

, gambar nya keren ..

, pengen lo aku jadi photo grapher ..
, tapi menurut Q foto sih ,,
, tinggal cekrik cekrik aja ..
, hhe !!

Qent said...


jadi ngantuk ngomongin tempat tidur, hhahaaa....

Anonymous said...

oy pinkk... lama tak bersua.. :D

fotografer ya..?
ngikutin jejaknya ah, lagian hobi motret juga sih.