Sunday, March 9, 2008

Daily Love

Udah lama ga nge-blog. Tepatnya sih dah lama gak buka blogger guw ini. Dikarenakan keasikan ngotak-ngatik website yang ternyata gak bisa di apa2in template nya. Sedih. Tapi sudah di putuskan, kalo nanti guw udah bisa bikin website, barulah guw bikin website sendiri. HUAKAKAKAKAKA!!

Pas buka blogger, mulai deh ganti layoutnya. Jadi keren kan sekarang~~xPP cuma gak ada tempat untuk isi comment nya. Hiks~~ ntar di coba lagi, supaya bisa ada comment box ny. Huhu.

Akhir2 ini, sibuk banget sama yang namanya final project. Dari yang guw harus jadi tukang lampu karena harus bikin lampu. Lalu guw juga harus bkin fake website which means no linking at all. Trus juga jadi architect gadungan dengan pelajaran perspective. Aihhhhh~~ but overall, it's fun :) i like it ^^

Lampu yang di bikin dari batik? Hmm.. i've never thought how to make batik. But now i know, i've learnt it. Although when i made it, it makes my back pain, but it's fun. Fun when my finger felt hot because of the wax. Fun when i tried to mixed the color and found the right color. Fun when someone kicked the glass of the color.

Then, when i make a fake website. Well, it's fun too. I create a new character. Smtg like i did b4 at the 1st project. But this 2nd proj, i should make layout for it too. Templates for it. Uhh* yeah it takes my time. til i din sleep like several days ago. But i like it. Cse i really love it til i din sleep. HUAHAHAHAHHA!!

Last project is perspective class which is design my own room. Actually, it's not my last project. It's my 1st project for tat subject. I av my 2nd proj fot tat subj. Hiks~** I can say tis is fun, because i think, the project is not as hard as the test. HUAKAKAKAKA!! i dunno Y, but, test is harder. huhu. i like tis proj cse i feel it's free. It doesnt force me to do tis things like wat the lecturer wants. Or like wat we c. But it's up to me. (stupid! design school is always free. Like wat u wan to wear to school i think it's free. Wear hot pants to class, it's ok. Slippers, ok. Juz DUN B LATE OR ELSE U'LL FAIL. huahahaahahhaha!!)

Hmm.. daily life.. Nothing special. Just feel confused. Magang gga ya. Hmm~~dunno yet. Well, just now, i checked my ticket. 2days ago, i checked it, and the price is VERY cheap!! ONLY RM193 RETURN!!! But today???? SHIT !! Become RM300+. (BRB nangis at the corner) Huhu

I wish, bbrapa hari lage noh tiket ude turun lage karna ga laku !!!!!!! sebell akuhh~~bencii akuhh~~LOL

makan akh~~


Sa~cHan said...

Kshn d lu.....
Cek in bwt Oct dunk....
Nduuut....mkn mlm"....
Jd gembul ntar!Wakakakakaka

piNkkkkkkk said...

jiwwwwww~~siyallll~~katain ajee trusssss~~HUH****


Sa~cHan said...

Iiih....pliit niy...
Huhuw....gak mami ksh plng kampung km!Huuuh....=.="

piNkkkkkkk said...


emangnya mamih pnaa kasiin akuh tikett????? WEK