Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Starry Starry Lizard

Thx for those who answered my question by replying comment, MSN, YM, or directly to me ^^ I appreciate it so much =)

These few days, I've learned a lot of things, how to be a altruistic person; n try not to be selfish. It makes me think twice before I do anything. It makes me think that what I want maybe not other people want.

And I've learned how to live under authority; how to make my self feel sufficient with what I have. How to want what I have n NOT to have what I want. N still, I have a lot of things to learn.

But with my study, I learned to always try something that I haven't done before. I've to try harder to get a best result. Although not all my will can come true, but at least I've tried my best!! I've to do my work enthusiastically.

N my ability now is thinking n finding idea with making STARS *lol* I made a lot of stars within this 3days *lol*

starry starry stars

colorful stars

I love stars!

N last thing is dis evening, there was a LIZARD in my room!! Oh my gosh!!.. I couldn't do anything,! I couldn't sleep, I couldn't do my assignment, cuz I couldn't calm down myself if dat disgusting lizard was in my room!! But luckily n thank to God, cuz some1 helped me. She took that lizard from my room with her hand. Fiuhhh* I'm so so so so thank to her!! N sorry for d lizard cuz ur life was over. FYI, when she took dat lizard by her hand n brought it out frm my room, I was speechless to see dat. I was scared dat d lizard suddenly fell down!!! -_-'

Ok, I have to continue my assignmentSSSS...
I'll be back wit more things =)

c yaa*
have a bless day =D


Zippy said...

Wew, cute stars...
Warna-warni abizzz... :D
How to make that..??
Hmmm, pasti susah, wkekekeke.... :lol:

piNkkkkkkk said...

hho* itu kan kertas bintang dan di foto ^^ lalu touch up photoshop dkit :D ^^

Anonymous said...

~~lahh....bujut dah pink....lu bnr2 ga da gawe tah ampe bwat segitu bnyk...ckckckckc.....eniwei tuh taro nya pd teko pula...ckckckck....wakakakakakak ^^

piNkkkkkkk said...

haha* iye han itu yg wkt tu kn lo masukin babi kdlm sana tp guw ga tega liat tuh babi terkurung* jdny guw bebaskan si babi dan guw isi bintang2 aj* itu ud pnuh euy* guw hrs sgera carii lagiiiii t4 baru XDDD

Anonymous said...

wahhh... loe jadi ada kegiatan ya... uhehuehhuehue bikin bintang2 masukin ke toples.... mau bikin brapa biji pink? uheuheuhe

anyway.. poor lizard.. it was just trying to survive u know... and its a living thing too... maybe instead of hate them coz of your disgust... u should try to learn from it... which u'll find it kinda cute and funny...

piNkkkkkkk said...

hha* ndak tau mau bkin brapa kis* ya bkin2 aja seh~smpe bosen ya ganti kegiatan laen hho* skrg lg ga bs bkin karna toples nya penuh* hrs ubek2 dapur cr toples XD

OMG saia ga bs deh kl dkamar ad cicak* ga tenang bawaannya pas tidur* XDDD

Anonymous said...

~~~ hahahaha ^^ bener2 ga da gawe lu pink....eniwei klo lu pindahan gmn tuh....ga ribet tah??hahahahahah ^^

piNkkkkkkk said...

nah itu dia guw bakal pindahan lageh neh wakakakakak ud la biarkn XDDDDD