Sunday, November 23, 2008

Petronas teh dimana nyak?..

I wont talk too much.. I just want to share dis short thing*

Yesterday, I met my friends. They're from Indo n they're here to shopping *lol* I met them at KLCC/TwinTower/Petronas Tower..

N suddenly..

X : "Eh petronas dimana ya? Kayaknya petronas deket2 sni deh?"
Y : "Gak tau deh"

Then X walked n asked me...

X : "Eh petronas tuh dimana ya?"
Guw : "..." terdiam karna bingung maksudnya itu petronas sains yg di lantai paling atas ato petronas tower "eh?"
X : "Iya kl ga sala deket2 sni kan ya?"
Guw : "Eh? Kita kan di dalem petronas?"


Sorry, I havent updated my blog for few days.. Cuz, I dont know what I should post out.. N yeahhh Im still busy wit my assignmentsssssssss* 16days left to my HOLIday! woohoo* horaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy* yippiieeeeeeeeeee*

n i want to share one nice blog =] Click please -> Miss.O


I almost forget something *lol* I got award from GatelGaruk.. He gave me an award =] Thx alot friend ^^Here is the award :

Rules :
  1. Each blogger must post this rules
  2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habit about themselves
  3. Blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don't forget to live them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

Well, i've done dis before =] So I just wanna say thank's to GatelGaruk.. I really appreciate this =]



Anonymous said...

ahuheuehueheuheuhe, bego banget tuh temen lo :D

Anonymous said...

Waduw.. ikut donk ke Petronas :D

Lg berpusing-pusing ria y ? hohoho

piNkkkkkkk said...

@katim : dia ga sadar hehe* kn dr indo dan pas nyampe ksna dr train, jdny dr bawah tanah hehe =] ga kliatan gedung nya :D

@buz : sni2 kl mau ikut mah ksni wae XDDD iy lg pusing T__T

DeE.. said...

wkwkwkw..neh bgd tuh org..

piNkkkkkkk said...

@dudut : aneh? aneh gmna?o.O* ya nmny kn tourist ya ndak sadar hehe =]

Zippy said...

Wkekekekek, parah banget tuh si X...
Bs2'x nggak nyadar gt, wkekke...

piNkkkkkkk said...

@zippy iyo karna pas nyampe itu mereka dari train dan train nya kan bawah tanah ^^

Anonymous said...

yang di critain bukan diriku kan?
soalnya diriku juga gaptek kayak si mr x

gfgf said...

banjir award nih disini...
selamat deh awardnya.....

keep smile n happy blogging

mey :) said...

pengen ke petronas!