Tuesday, March 17, 2009

AIDS Campaign

It's a busiest week ever!! A lot of things to do n have to done it by this week. And in my spare time, which is the time dat I dunno wat to do, I did dis picture campaign...

When I uploaded to my Facebook, komennya aneh2 smua.. Ada yang blg ini bekas lah, bahkan ad yg mengira ini aqua gelas bekas.. Wahahahaha.. But wat I did here is to remind all pple, to warn them about AIDS.. Judul dari kedua picture di atas adalah KEEP SAFE, KEEP HEALTHY.. And if u have deviantart, u can add it to ur fave here and here :*lol*

n selanjutnya di klik coba ini di klikk ..

Wah lagi kebanjiran award euy saia :P

1st award dari Viyoo, Grace, Diana-ang, and Gaby.. Thx all my dear :)

Rules :
  1. Put the logo on your blog or post
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS
  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
  5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award
2nd award dari Qent.. Thx dear :D and Agito serta Enjii untuk yg Friendly Blogger Award.. Trima kasih smuanya :)

Rules :
Here are the rules:
  1. Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW
  2. DON'T change your clothes. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture
  3. Post that picture with NO editing
  4. Post this instruction with your picture
  5. Tag 10 people to do this.

Then yang dapet award2 diatas..

ari, zippy, jonk, indri, yulia, nindy, janet, ade, helena, fanoy


Senoaji said...

waaaaa... ewot lagiii keren...

kampain AIDS??? lanjutkan!!

Ari Sukkie said...

(yahoo) (dance) (dance) thx ya pink, sudah ngasih award lagi :), ntar dipajang heheheheh

Ari Sukkie said...

horeeeee, thx ya pink, awardsnya hehehe, keren deh :)

AIRI ARI said...

horeeeee, thx ya pink awardsnya :), sennag bgt deh dapat awards terus hehehe, semangat ngeblog ya :)

yulia said...

itu..foto kondom kan?? (o__O)

Zippy said...

Oh..NO, udah donk, cukup sebanyak ini aja org2 yang kena AIDS, kasian banget...
Eh, gue bel;om pernah lo liat kondom secara langsung, beneran deh, hihihi...
Btw, thx buat Award'x...
Makin gila aja nih PR Award gue, kykakakaka...

Arju Ashari Risandika said...

waduh,saingin julia peres nui,promosi kondom,hahahahah,awas di cekal

piNkkkkkkk said...

@ari & zippy : sama2 :) dkerjakan yak :P

@yulia : yupp condom :P

@zippy : itu jg saia pertama kali liat , pertama kali megang =.=" dan teakir kalinya.. haizz

@sino : ya elah saia kn bukan artis jd ga mgkn di cekal donkk?:P

Anonymous said...

tengsoo awardnyaaa XD
btw aku suka potonya.keren
kayak poster poster :D

Diana Ang said...

you got an award
check at my blog yah :]

piNkkkkkkk said...

@nindy : makasih :)

@diana : iya uda ku kerjakan kok :D