Guw gak pernah nulis blog dalam 2 bahasa sekaligus.
And now, I want to try to do so.. And also, I dunno why I want to update my blog as soon as possible lol Today is monday.. It's nearly the time that I should leave Malaysia.. I'm sooo sooooo soooooooooooooooo happy!! ^^ but I don't think when the time I have to go back for good after my graduation, can I still be happy??..
Dan sekarang, guw mau coba.. Dan gak tau ya knapa guw pengen banget update2 blog secepatnya lol Hari ini hari senen.. Mendekati waktu yang telah ditentukan untuk guw meninggalkan Malaysia.. Senangg senanggggg senangggggggggg bangettttttt!!^^ tp guw rasa kalo pas lulusan ntar guw gak akan bisa senang..
And I got an award from Stephany and Marinnchan. Here is the award.. I got it before.. So I just want to say thanks to her ^^
Dan guw dapet award lagi dari Stephany dan Marinnchan. Award yang bergambar power puff girl ntu nah.. Uda dapet seh sblmnya. Jadi guw cuma mau blg thx aja ke dia ^^ Ini dia award nya :
Ok, other than that thing.. Yesterday I watched football at my pastor's house.. When I watched, something was vvvvvvery stupid pop-up in my mind.. All of u should know how they put the ball on the ground after the ball was out of field.. And there was a time when the camera is RIGHT AT THE BACK OF HIS BUTT !! =.=" N I was just imagined that suddenly his pants torned with the video cam right at the back of him!!!
Ok, hal lainnya ya.. Kemaren guw nonton football di rumah pendetaku.. Waktu guw nonton itu, ada hal konyol yang tiba2 muncul di benak guw.. Lo semua pasti tau kan gimana caranya mereka itu naroh bola ke atas rumput kalo pas mau nendang setelah out? Nah kemaren itu ada pas banget cameraman nya ada di belakang nya orang yang lagi naro bola itu.. Pas di shoot bokong nya* =.=" dan guw cuma membayangkan kalo tiba2 celana itu orang sobek dengan sikon video cam ada di belakangnya dia!!!
What do u think guys..?? lol
Menurut kaliannn..?? lol
Its Funny Pink, btw Pink mau kemana meninggalkan Malaysia????Cara dapat Award gimana ya??????(cozy) icon plurkers ^^
Hi pink-chan~^^
Nice award...Hope there'll be tons of awards coming ur way.. Take Care^^
lol wat a ridiculous mind u hv. but yes it`ll be very funny if its happen like u said. lol
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