Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Okay.. I'm freaking out cuz I'm SICK!!!! Huaaaaaaa.. I don't want to be sick T___T How can I do my project if i'm sick?? T__T *nyah*

Well.. 4days before valentine's day.. Menurut yang reply my previous post, lagi pada banyak nyang jomblo yee??.. nyahahahag*

It's okay being single.. Use ur time with ur friends.. Like wat I'll do on that day.. ^^ Have fun with friends, and go to pyramid.. Why pyramid?.. Cuz I wanna go to the ice rink.. And why ice rink?? Cuz I wanna see a wedding.. I'm not joking since I'm not a joker..!! if u dun believe me, just come.. n contact my number *only if u have it :P*

It's 8.43pm.. I'm not sleepy but I feel that I have to sleep.. T___T my head feels vvvery heavy T___T

Before that, dis is my interface design for web design 1.. It hasnt refined yet.. T___T

*home page*

*tutorial page*


*contact us*

n sorry exchange links or blogwalking late reply~ I'm sick.. once again, I'M SICK.. lol


Senoaji said...

ooo... your body not delicious [dibaca:gak enak badan] yak... fast better [dibaca:cepet sembuh] yak...

Anonymous said...

Cepet sembuh..
Benernya mau ta contact tapi ga tau no,mu..wkwkwkwk

eCHo CoLaTE said...

mudah2an cepet sembuh ya pinkyboy....

Anonymous said...

Salam kenal!
happy valentine!

n said...

get well soon ;)

eniwei, cara bikin button yang show-hide itu gimana???
*tolong bales di blogku ya*

makasih sebelumnya :)


AIRI ARI said...

Cepet sembuh pink, istirahat yang banyak dulu ya :)